


Have you heard about Setsubun Festival ?
Setsubun is a bean throwing ceremony which is held on February 3rd before Spring begins to welcome good fortune and drive away evil spirits.

It is usually performed by the male head of the household. Roasted soybeans are thrown either out the door or at a member of the family wearing a mask, while the people say “Demons out! Luck in!” and slam the door. This is still common practice in households but many people will attend a shrine or temple’s spring festival where this is done.
Today we went to one of the Setsubun festival which was hold at Suitengu shrine. People were so excited by the festival, please enjoy the video as below…

#nihonbashi #suitengu #shrine #Setsubun #Ningyocyo #festival #Tokyo #travel #tourist #日本橋 #日本橋観光案内所 #水天宮 #豆まき #節分


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