【本日オープン! コレド室町テラス🎉】
【本日オープン! コレド室町テラス🎉】
「誠品生活日本橋」は、 台湾発の大型複合セレクトショップの日本1号店。わくわくする雑貨達がたくさん!そのほかにも、てぬぐいの注染体験ほか、日本の文化にも触れあえます。私たちもプレオープンにお邪魔してきましたが、誠品生活以外のショップもレストランも、入ってみたいお店ばかりで時間が全然足りませんでした😄
There is a new addition to the popular COREDO Muromachi shopping complex in Nihonbashi – COREDO Muromachi Terrace officially opens today! With many Taiwanese shops that chose this three-floor department store to make their first entry into the Japanese market, like Eslite Spectrum Nihonbashi, here you can feel both a Japanese and Taiwanese atmosphere. We had a lot of fun looking around and trying all the delicious food.
Another interesting feature of this shopping center is the possibility to participate in various workshops, such as glass blowing and tenugui towel dyeing. It’s a great chance to learn more about some traditional Japanese crafts and culture!
#コレド室町テラス #誠品生活 #ワークショップ #日本初進出